This was published in 1996 by the History of Thursley Society and includes profiles of the young Lutyens, Robert Goble and Monica Edwards. Many of the articles were written by Mary Bennett.
The Young Lutyens and his Thursley Houses by Wing Commander D.Q.Watson.
The Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher, O.M. by Mary Bennett.
The Levy Family of Smallbrook Farm 1876 – 1939 by Betty Weeden
Russell Partridge Brockbank Art Editor of “Punch” by Peter Anderson.
Robert Goble. by Mary Bennett.
Karn’s - A Short History of Thursley’s Grocery Store.
Thursley In The ‘Twenties by Mary Bennett
Life in Thursley by Sir Roger Stevens of Hill Farm
A Memoir of Rev. A. K. Mathews, OBE., DSC. Vicar Of Thursley 1968 - 1976.
Arthur Edward (Eddie) Gale, B.E.M. Written by Jane Haviland in 1994.
William Karn Fosberry 1853 – 1943 by Edna (Eddie) Morgan
Margaret L.Woods in Thursley by Martha Vogeler of Fullerton, U.S.A.
Monica le Doux Edwards 1912 – 1998 by V K Lindley
Rock Cottage and some neighbours by Mary Bennett
Thursley In The ‘20s & ‘30s - some incomers - by Mary Bennett
A Farmhouse in Surrey by Irene Gorringe