As part of the History of Thursley Society's Wedding Belles exhibition held in 2007, this list of marriages that took place in St Michael's and All Angels was compiled. For ease of research a complete file of the marriages from 1613 to date can be found at the end of this post. Overall, the most popular month to be married is October and March the least:
February 24th John Callingham & Joan Searl
February 27th John Penfold & Jean Ginner
October 10th Henry Coapper & Elizabeth Searl
September 21st Francis Steer & ?
June 25TH John Chandeler & Elizabeth Chitty
December 9th Henry Sharp & Ann Mills
May 12th Edmund Upton & Mary Habbins
November 10th John Denyer & Ann Callingham
October 1st Noah Brumell & Elizabeth Boxall
February 26th Henry Hunt & Mary Allen
October 23rd William Hall & Sarah Bedford
February 14th Henry Vinch & Alice Welland
October 25th Samuel Bajent & Elizabeth Bridger
October 7th William Keens & Joan Carpender
February 9th John Luff & Elizabeth Berry
June 2nd John Stovold & Elizabeth Stilwell
August 1st John Wackford & Elizabeth Perkiss
December 7th Joseph Page & Jean Manfield
June 7th John Lee & Mary Stovold
September 19th Richard Mitchall & Elizabeth Court
November 16th Thomas Stovold & Mary Philps
April 7th Richard Searll & Ann Tuper
May 28th William Edwards & Margaret Oliver
September 28th James Older & Jean Ockly
June 17th William Phillips & Mary Balchin
February 25th George Bicknell & Sarah Courtness
March 13th Joshua Pearcey & Mary Treyer
May 4th George Manfield & Lucy Terry
July 16th John Gunner & Jane Franciss
April 9th John Hode & Elizabeth Childs
October 3rd John Remnant & Ann Far
March 4th James Simmons & Catherine Penfold
December 27th John Morrise & Mary Hunt
June 20th William Webster & Joan Faux
August 27th John Clerk & Ann Halloway
May 1st Thomas Fluter & Ann Yates
November 30th John Spencer & Elizabeth West
February 14th John Combs & Jane Freeland
June 2nd Robert Earll & Joan Cooper
June 14th Robert Bennet & Mary Bennifold
October 2nd James Hooker & Sarah Fluter
April 7th James Lampold & Esther Stovold
May 22nd John Daviss & Sarah Halloway
June 29th Richard Souter & Sarah Balchin
March 1st Peter Bennet & Ann Stedman
September 20th Harry Numan & Mary Souter
October 12th John Buckmaster & Sarah Smith
October 2nd William Steer & Elizabeth Ethrington
December 22nd Edmund Moon & Mary Stovold
March 29th John D enyer & Sarah Snelling
November 20th William Martin & Sarah Souter
December 2nd John Souter & Ann Court
January 9th Richard Searll & Martha Triming
May 10th Peter Snelling & Jane Burges
October 2nd Thomas Larby & Elizabeth Hone
November 27th William Carter & Elizabeth Worsfold
May 1st John Stent & Jean Numan
June 30th Edmund Woods & Ann Yalden
October 30th James Denyer & Sarah May
January 31st John Hawkins & Mary Stilwell
February 17th Thomas Mitchall & Mary Mitchall
May 13th John Lee & Mary Hockly
June 4th William Numan & Sarah Chalcraft
September 29th William Luff & Sarah Beatcher
September 9th James Hooker & Ann Fluter
April 7th Thomas Pink & Elizabeth Johns
April 7th John May & Sarah Hone
May 29th Thomas Stredwick & Mary Johns
March 8th John Franks & Ann Remnant
April 17th Richard Marshall & Elizabeth Ford
April 18th William White & Ann Holloway
May 30th John Woods & Ann Francis
September 18th William Stilwell & Mary Carpenter
October 15th James Wheeler & Ann Welland
December 22nd Nathaniel Moon & Elizabeth Stovold
January 23rd Edmund Holloway & Elizabeth Sturt
April 9th William Austen & Elizabeth Walker
April 16th John Standish & Mary Kinggett
July 12th Thomas Court & Elizabeth Pound
August 1st John Mitchell & Elizabeth Stilwell
October 1st Charles Naish & Catherine Holloway
October 7th James Budd & Elizabeth Stovould
November 4th John Bridger & Ann Bicknell
November 18th John Sewart & Ann Baldwin
December 1st Robert Cover & Sarah Inwood
December 23rd Thomas Dedman & Elizabeth Webb
February 18th James Stilwell & Lucy Penfold
October 7th James Lewer & Sarah Upfold
December 4th Richard Holloway & Mary Holloway
April 15th Thomas Hall & Elizabeth Parsons
May 21st William Smith & Elizabeth Mitchell
October 4th John Weekes & Mary White
October 12th John Flutter & Ann Crafter
November 19th William Cover & Phillis Hurst
December 29th Edward Freshwater & Sarah Austen
September 4th Edward Warner & Elizabeth Austen
September 26th George May & Hannah Farley
October 25th Daniel Budd & Mary Remnant
November 28th John Colpiece & Sarah Dedman
August 28th Thomas Mitchall & Ann Hoan
October 1st Thomas Boxall & Ann Edwards
October 16th Edward Goldring Hows & Mary Percy
October 30th Joshua Percy & Elizabeth Dedman
February 14th George Snelling & Mary Gunter
March 5th Nathaniel Moon & Ann Dedman
March 19th Richard Franks & Mary Kern
November 4th William Trowell & Mary Austen
May 14th Thomas Court & Honour Stevens
May 21st James Mitchell & Mary Mills
December 8th John Morley & Mary Hedger
December 16th John Bowler & Elizabeth Palmer
January 5th Thomas Pudwick & Mary Hardy
June 3rd John Gibson & Joan Lunn
June 8th Henry Hillyer & Joan Hurst
September 29th Robert Karn & Sarah Monger
October 11th Thomas Hall & Mary Dedman
January 1st John Budd & Sarah Holloway
January 10th John Hoan & Sarah Butcher
January 29th Henry Kinshot & Mary Walker
November 27th Francis Bromham & Sarah Franks
May 23rd Henry Holliss & Elizabeth Pink
October 20th Jesse Smith & Ann Souter
October 31st Charles Gammon & Hannah Wossom
November 6th James Hampton & Elizabeth Wheeler
January 10th William Grist & Elizabeth Percy
July 25th Richard Stenning & Sarah Lambert
November 24th George Mitchell & Mary Stilwell
December 24th John Lawes & Elizabeth Coleman
January 14th William Burchett & Mary Hardy
February John Kern & Jane Stacy
February 21st Thomas Pink & Sarah Cooper
June 27th Richard Triggs & Sarah Boswell
July 29th Richard Horsell & Elizabeth Johnson
September 1st John Mathews & Hannah Pink
January 31st John Cooper & Martha Compton
July 15th John Fish & Elizabeth Wheeler
August 8th Richard Etherington & Sarah Freshwater
October 3rd David Underwood & Sarah Denyer
October 17th Robert Luxford & Sarah Stent
January 1st Isaac Holloway & Jemima Holloway
January 1st John Austen & Sarah Seems
June 14th Samuel Clues & Susanna Grace
October 12th Henry Meers & Hannah Bridger
October 18th Daniel Harris & Mary Randle
October 20th William Mulford & Elizabeth Mitchell
November 3rd Thomas Beaumont & Mary Richbell
November 20th Robert Sparks & Mary Smithers
January 2nd Henry Smither & Ann Knight
February 22nd John Dedman & Elizabeth Colyer
October 3rd Edmund Wheeler & Elizabeth Millton
October 3rd William Newman & Ann Newell
Edward Goldring & Mary Coulton
February 9th John Souter & Mary Courtenage
June 4th Richard West & Elizabeth Souter
July 10th James Denyer & Ann Etherington
July 27th Robert Boxall & Ann Burgess
September 4th William Chitty & Mary Murrell
October 1st Richard Kealle & Hannah Bowler
February 27th Samuel Holloway & Ann Edwards
May 24th John Farr & Lydia Jennings
October 16th John Goodeve & Hannah Cook
October 26th John Mitchell & Elizabeth Larby
November 3rd Robert Walker & Catherine Keern
January 30th John Hoad & Ann Lickfold
November 18th Richard Bennett & Elizabeth Walker
December 29th Richard Lunn & Elizabeth Soal
December 29th John Kern & Elizabeth Snilling
January 19th Henry Kern & Sarah Kingshott
January 23rd Noah Greenfield & Ann Austen
October 10th John Morrey & Mary Goodchild
April 21st Thomas Cole & Ann Lampard
May 17th William Hammon & Ann Boxall
May 22nd John Castle & Mary Lea
September 22nd Charles Winkworth & Elizabeth Lampard
May 6th William Hammond & Ann Boxall
May 9th James Morey & Elizabeth Finden
May 16th Thomas Milton & Susan Forster
June 13th John Randle & Elizabeth Courtenage
July 25th Edward Colyer & Ann Larby
November 11th John Faithfull & Mary Carpenter
January 7th Thomas Bowler & Ann Wheeler
January 22nd Edward Eede & Martha Goodchild
February 7th Henry Smither & Sarah Souter
June 24th James Windebank & Ann Diggins
November 13th Edward Smith & Ann Goodchild
November 22nd William Lewer & Mary Keen
December 4th James Stilwell & Mary Woods
April 30th Whitley Martin & Elizabeth Woods
May 14th James Wheeler & Jane Punter
July 8th Joseph Jennings & Mary Upfold
July 10th George Edmead & Ann Haslett
July 11th Edmund Hitchcock & Hannah Holloway
August 25th Edward Walker & Elizabeth Austen
August 26th John Boxall & Hannah Naish
January 7th John Hill & Ann Valler
October 13th Henry Morrey & Hannah Smith
October 28th James Philips & Sarah Randall
May 13th William Austin & Grace Elsley
March 23rd John Strudwick & Ann Randall
June 22nd John Blackman & Jane Auslett
January 24th Daniel Milton & Sarah Wheeler
October 3rd Henry Hilliar & Mary Bartholomew
January 2nd Edmund Austin & Ann Berry
February 13th James Holloway & Hannah Mitchell
February 28th William Lasham & Sarah Rapley
June 20th Francis Faulkner & Hannah Denyer
August 20th Benjamin White & Mary Yalden
September 7th John Souter & Sarah Mills
September 14th George Woods & Elizabeth Diggins
January 11th Richard Franks & Sarah Picket
February 8th Anthony Stilwell & Hannah Rygate
April 12th Robert Higgs & Elizabeth Martin
June 29th John Hardy & Deborah Boxal
July 3rd James Denyer & Ann Smith
November 3rd William Manning & Sarah Cowderry
December 17th John Sayers & Sarah Franks
January 2nd James Heather & Elizabeth Ellis
January 31st John Jackman & Hannah Combs
February 20th James Budd & Leah Foster
March 24th James Withal & Jane Courtnege
April 1st Charles Berry & Elizabeth Varnell Souter
May 26th Stephen Keen & Elizabeth Wheeler
May 27th John Kearn & Elizabeth Higgs
June 2nd Thomas Courtnege & Sarah Lewer
October 15th Henry Streater Gill & Mary Hawkins
October 18th Samuel Denyer & Mary Cover
December 28th James Combes & Hannah Keene
February 15th James Mayer & Hannah Forey
February 15th Richard Seale & Elizabeth Flutter
October 23rd Thomas West & Mary Tillbury
October 22nd James Hone & Sarah May
November 20th George Naish & Elizabeth Smith
December 16th Thomas Court & Lucy Boxall
July 7th George Stovold & Grace Baxter
September 7th Samuel Holloway & Sarah Constable
September 22nd James Pryor & Sarah Sowter
October 13th Richard Lewry & Nanny Yandell
October 25th George Copus & Elizabeth Christmas
October 27th James Kearn & Elizabeth Dedman
February 18th John Underwood & Mary Elliott
April 19th John Gale & Ann Hardy
April 23rd John Denyer & Phillis Cover
August 21st John Lemon & Elizabeth Stilwell
October 10th John Walker & Mary Blunt
October 19th James Wheeler & Ann Franks
April 8th George Snelling & Catherine Walker
April 11th John Walker & Sarah Mitchell
October 13th John Hone & Elizabeth Paul
December 1st Thomas Walker & Sarah Hone
January 26th James Dalgress & Mary Pound
April 7th James Mills & Sarah Souter
April 14th George Stovold & Elizabeth Lewer
June 13th John Hall & Mary Cornish
July 4th William Stening & Elizabeth Hawker
August 3rd William Cover & Ann Newman
June 5th James Valler & Susanna Smith
August 3rd William Lambart & Elizabeth Lunn
September 27th Thomas Winter & Lydia Hall
October 15th William Shepherd & Mary Hayes
November 13th Thomas Mitchell & Charlotte Radford
February 25th William Southon & Elizabeth Standish
April 2nd David Underwood & Ann Franks
June 20th Abraham Bicknell & Elizabeth Tribe
July 12th Jacob Hogsflesh & Sarah Souter
November 6th William Snelling & Ann Walker
January 30th George Mitchell & Mary Berry
May 25th William Berry & Sarah Owen
December 9th William Craft & Elizabeth Wheeler