This account was contributed by Mrs Dunlop, the present President of the Thursley Women’s Institute and a member of the Village Hall Committee.
The membership of the Women’s Institute for 1966 is 45. This was achieved through an energetic recruiting drive which was necessary to counteract the decline in membership during 1965 which had been caused by an unusually large number of members leaving the district.
As an experiment during the past year, a letter was sent to all members about a week before each gathering to bring to their notice such items as the programme for the meeting, competitions, Bring and Buy stalls or future outings and it was hoped that this would keep members in touch with the various activities. There are many elderly members who are on the outskirts of the village who certainly seem to have benefited from this idea.
Money raising efforts have included a Jumble Sale in May, donations to the Betatron Fund and also the Cancer Relief Fund.
Highlights of the Women’s Institute Golden Jubilee Year included the County Dinner Party at Guildford, Mrs Malins’s visit to Buckingham Palace and a splendid revue performed by members of the Surrey Women’s Institute at Dorking called “Jubilee Spotlight”. The biggest thrill of all was when our Institute won a Gold Star for their exhibit in the co-operative section of the Women’s Institute Jubilee Year Handicrafts Exhibition at Godalming in March. Six members contributed articles which were for 21st birthday presents for three sets of boy and girl twins. The items were a mosaic lamp, a dressing gown, an embroidered cocktail tray, a patchwork sewing holdall and two Fair Isle ski jerseys. The whole colour scheme was in black, white, gold and dark red. A photograph of the exhibit was shown in the local newspaper.
To mark the occasion ourselves, a magnolia tree was planted in the Village Hall grounds, and at our December meeting a special celebration tea with a magnificent ‘Jubilee Cake’ which had gold trimmings and 50 gold candles, was made by Mrs Elsie Warner.
Two successful outings were accomplished: a coachload visited Frogmore Gardens at Windsor in the spring, the day was fine and a pleasant tea in the town rounded off the day nicely; also in the spring a few members had a delightful day at Wisley.
There have been enthusiastic requests for a Drama Group and an Art Group to be formed and those are in the process of being organised.
Mrs Loarridge gave a demonstration of mosaic work on lamps and tables etc, at the Handicrafts Demonstration Day at Dorking in January 1966. This work has created a lot of interest in our Institute and a splendid number of lamps were entered in a special class in the October Produce Show.
The Institute have done some useful work towards the conversion of the Village Hall. The making of the curtains and the cheerful colour scheme for the main hall and the kitchen were thought out by members of the Institute. The Bring and Buy stall, which is held at each monthly meeting, is going towards new chairs – this is, of course, in our own interest as the monthly meetings are usually held in the Village Hall and the old chairs are somewhat uncomfortable.
The Village Hall held a Christmas Fair and as there was no point in having two similar events competing, the Institute suggested they joined forces with the Village Hall. It was agreed that £20, which was the approximate amount we made the previous year be given towards our funds. The Institute was thanked by the Village Hall Committee for their wonderful effort in helping to raise £300 and everyone thought that our £20 had been justly earned.
The Cosford Cup and the Alice Cup are presented each year to the two members who have won the most points at the Produce Show events.
The Institute basked in the reflected glory of Mrs Bennett’s (our 1965 President) appointment as Principal of St Hilda’s College, Oxford.
Thursley Women's Institute 1955
Thursley Women's Institute Garden Party - undated