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Thursley Today, 1965

This book was compiled through the efforts of the Thursley Women’s Institute to commemorate their Jubilee Year, 1965. What different times we live in today!

Many of the articles in the book appear under separate headings on the website and can be searched using '1965', the whole text of the book can be downloaded, see below.

As President of the Thursley Women’s Institute,

I would like to place on record my appreciation of

the help afforded by Mrs Sadler (WI) of The Lodge,

Thursley, who was responsible for the cover design,

and to members of the Thursley Women’s Institute

and Thursley village who contributed the

following articles.


The delightful copyright photographs are by

Miss Megson of Godalming who kindly

allowed them to be reproduced and the

reproduction was done by Mr Sadler of Thursley


Ursula Dunlop, Pitch Place, Thursley




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