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The Harvest Supper returns to Thursley

The Harvest Supper was celebrated in the village hall to great acclaim on Saturday, 21st Septermber 2024. The idea of resurrecting the event came from Susanne Hunter, Sally Scheffers, Tamsin Taylor Matthews, Lisa Woods and Lizzie Young (who also selected the readings). Sarah O'Brien spoke on behalf of her father, Michael, who unfortunately could not attend. His well-chosen words are below.




I am not the only one here who will remember the first Thursley Harvest Supper in 1972   - 52 years ago - but we are becoming fewer.


That first supper was the idea of the then vicar, Kenneth Matthews, who had a distinguished service record serving as the padre onboard HMS Norfolk during her major actions during WWII. During that time, he witnessed the important role ‘community spirit’ played in bonding everyone together.


One of my roles that first year, and many times after, was to organise the seating plan. It was hard to please everyone, and a certain Brian Camp was often very critical!  I am happy to have relinquished that task.  So, if any of you have complaints about who you are seated next to this evening - I am not your man!


This leads me to thank everyone who has worked so hard to revive this wonderful supper.


The committee: Lisa Wood, Lizzie Young, Sally Scheffers, Susanne Hunter and Tamsin Taylor Matthews and the many others of you who have cooked the food and helped set up the hall.  It all looks wonderful and I hope this custom can be continued for many years to come.



Michael O’Brien, The Lodge



A huge effort had been made to make the tables attractive and the night sky joined in to help

Photographs by Alex Smart

Between the main course and dessert, these readings were given by villagers:

Photographs by Alex Smart


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